Tamper evident, utility meter, security seals

Meter Seals

We supply tamper evident meter security seals.Typically used to seal utility meters, valves and meters used in the petrochemical industry and even taxi meters. Our products are high quality, affordable and environmentally friendly. These seals have a variety of alternative uses, for any security application that requires a security seal with a thin diameter, to pass through very small apertures. Such applications may include games machines, petrol stations, safe deposits, cash boxes, jewellery etc.

Buy Now online

We offer a growing range of stock meter seals pre printed with sequential numbers, which can be purchased quickly and securely online, via our payment processors PayPal. Go now to our products page. Alternatively we can offer customised product (subject to quotation) and are happy to accept public sector and utilities purchase orders. Contact us now.

Utility security seals


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Security seals and labels

Need to see a wider range of tamper evident security seal and label solutions ? Then visit our main site @ www.tamperevidence.com

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